sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011

And so..the blogging begins!

So...I´ve been thinking about blogging for a while now. Maybe 'cause I'm half asleep I had the courage to start this. My name is Laura Christine..and YEP!..I read lol... The thing is, teachers and friends always tell me that I can write quite well, and I loooove reading..I see other bloggers and think..Could I do something like that? Yes. People will want to read my opinion about a good/bad book that I happened to read? Maybe. This will be only a way for me to express my opinion about what I love the most..BOOKS! Other stuff too like movies, artists (any kind) but most of all Books. Another thing that kept me from doing this was the oh so terrible friend of ours..TIME! I dont have much of it during the week, but I do have spare time some days, so I'll fiil it with this blog. My friends make fun of me because of this obsession of mine but they love hearing of some books that are so good that I can't help talking about them ( or they make me believe that ).. And yes, I have good friends that share this way of life with me (not calling reading a hobby, it's so much more than that)...and well.. Hopefully people will like what I write about, promise I'm not that bad.

 P.S. Mistakes are due to the fact that I'm from a spanish speaking country..sorry! And also I speak french. Just a warning. Some weeks I forget nobody in my household understands half what I´m saying. Some of it could get into my blogs..tehee C=

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