My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is the saddest book I've ever read..and I know COurtney Summers would be the only one writing like this, with such grief that wraps you..doubts that constantly wakes you from your favourite dream..loneliness when surrounded by the whole world..and this story is just..I've never lost anybody close to me, thanks God, and not under this circumstances either. But it is just perfect for the one's who, in fact, have gone thorugh it.Grief.The real kind.
If you have lost someone and you read this because you believe a work of fiction will bring you answers..don't waste your time. It won't.Simple as that. But read it becasue it allows you to understand and to learn how other people deal with what you are dealing with. And the story has a great message to it...if you seek answers you'll only find more questions.If you try to understand you´ll only doubt. Just try to shape your life to the outcome of something terrible, something that in a way had to happen even though you didn't want to.
Eddie, who is a girl, has lost her father through suicide and now she wants to understand why. He didn't left any answers, he jsut needed to go. Eddie´s mom s wreck, barely coming out of the bed, always wearing her husband's housecoat, losing his scent, any trace of his existence. Eddie doesn´t know why her father did what he did, did he had a motive? Of course, but what was it? But he was a photographer, an artist, and artists have a different point of view of the world..their senses are sharper..would that be? Eddie was no artist so she wouldn't know what her father felt or sense.
Milo, Eddie's best friend, tries to help her..but to Eddie's eyes he doesn't just get it. She is all by herself. Until Culler Evans come into the picture...literally. A student of her father's..goign through the same things as her. Seeking for anwsers..a why. They have a connection and they feel it.
And then these little pieces of Seth Reeves start to appear..and maybe those are the keys to unravel the mistery behind his suicide.
So many things happen, you just feel Eddie's grief through all the pages. Like she is one of your nearest friends and without needing words or sounds you just know what she is going through.
Milo is a constant rock to Eddie but he is also a human being who also suffers her loss..because he has lost something too..the very same night everything happened. And Culler's part to everything is just key for Eddie to find closure. I liked it very much but just a little warning. After you finish it you'll probably end up a little sad yourself. Don't be scare. It'll go away but you will always know now.
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