My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Ever since I heard of this book I wanted to read it. The cover is just perfect, it calls for your attention, it singles itself out among others. Go to whatever bookstore you like and you'll know what I mean. Let me tell you, I have so much to do for college that I didn't knew if I was going to read it this year but the time felt right and I squeezed it between the gazillion thing I had to do and well, worthy it was. Even more than that.
A story tell in two voices that at first is certainly confusing, you just feel like maybe you picked the wrong book or it is a mistake, a cover's mix up or something.NO PEOPLE, the beginning is right. You don't know what are you dealing with at first, a ghost if you believe in that kind of stuff, a spirit or an energy depending on your believes, but it's something that is certainly there, talking to us, explaining whatever she or he is trying to explain, that there are no words for it.
And Breckon, a..uhm..broken guy.See the irony there? No? Well.... The thing with Breckon is that if you are a girl, and I am sure you are, it will fall on your stereotypical high school guy, a good life, good friends, hookups, girlfriends, family. But we meet that Breckon over his memories because now he is, like I said, broken. Tragedy has stricken his life and maybe he is not as strong as he believed he was.
This story is not about Breckon only, dicovering his new self, an after. But is the story of the spirit/energy/ghost that now has a name, Ashlyn. Who is figuring out what's her connection with Breckon, why is she still here, wondering why she can't stop watching/spying Breckon's every move. And rediscovering herself too, but in a before kind of way, she is dead after all.
Everything will be answer, believe me.
The thing I loved the most about it is that had side stories, little ocurrences on both characters lives that can be easily applied to anyone. *Spoilers Alert* Like Breckons bike accident, how he wasn´t aloud to play sports, or the best friend's dilemma, secret hookups, streakings plan, trashing at parties, the sex, and making a pause as I am already on it that well, the sex is very realistic, not meaning that there is a full description, no, but it is certainly true to the reality of most american teenagers. Where I come from is very different. Ok, what else, oh yeah, the high school life for americans. It seems very difficult, very different form my own experiences. There are other situations like Ashlyn's molesting, her relationship with her extended family, even Callum's, Ashlyn's cousin, problems too.How Ashlyn felt about her sister, her surroundings, how she misses everything she took for granted when in the world of the living.
This is a book where you'll find yourself. You'll see that you are NOT the only one going through that, whatever it is. Happy, sad, tragic, depressive, hilarious, horrible, awful, great or plain good. Maybe I'm not the best reviwer, I'm no writer but if you get at least a bit of what I'm trying to communicate to you through this poorly written, what?, essay?...or whatever this is, that makes you want to read it, to pick this book up, and go through it and cry like I did and like you will, I will be glad,even happy that maybe, a tiny bit of that spark was lighten by someone as insignificant and simple as myself. Let me know what you think of it.
Note: I never expected for me to cry at the end, maybe I'm teary this days or something but it was so well written that it was unavoidable. Read it, you'll get what I mean.
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