My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Oh, man! This is my first. No context, no plot whatsoever but still a better love story than Twilight. hahahah xD IT WAS THERE, I HAD TO DO IT! Team Jacob! LOL..But still, Oh My God. You connect with the character in so many levels. And do we get a name? No! And that's the most interesting part. And I don't want to search anymore than I already have but I understand that this is fiction, even thought the authr has written a couple of books based on real facts. But even so..THIS IS SO REAL! And, yeah, it was publishe quite a while ago but it is still our modern reality. Apply it to the 21st century and BANG! you have it, right here in those 213 pgs!
Everytime I went to the bookstore I would be drag by it everytime I saw it on the bookshelf. And one day I had extra cash and bought it. And, you know what? i do not regret it. While reading it I decided to keep it and when I have children (IF something like that ever happens to me) or my sisters' and brother's children are old enough I will give it to them so they will see that drugs are not fun, at all.
Maybe it's a stupid idea but what better way than this way! I'll even give it to my little sisters when they come to age. And I am sure it will still be a very real reality (if you know what I mean) for many many years to come. It is sad, but the world has come to this. It is our responsability to try to it to not go unchanged.
A couple of weeks ago I read a phrase that call my anttention very much, "Instead of trying to make a better world for the children, try to make better children for the world." And I can't agree more, generation after generation is getting worse than the previous one. Even Socrates knew about it in his time. We are losing focus people. Let's try because there is something worst than failing and it's not trying at all. :)
It is a toughy, and very confusing because, while it was written as I teenager writing a diary, it does not explain every single detail. Soemwhere in the middle you will read a name and you will be wondering who is that one or how come it was in one place and now it's in another. Don't expect a full story,character interaction or something like any other book you've read before. It is not. And try not to read it on a sick day. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. :)
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